Glossary of Terms
BREC: Beechwood Road Environmental Center. This is the intentionally misleading name given to the proposed expansion of the Richmond Dump which would be placed on equally leaky land.
CCCTE: Concerned Citizens Committee of Tyendinaga and Environs, formed in 1998 (originally called Concerned citizens committee Against Richmond dump Expansion and CARE). This group owns and maintains and the Twitter feed @LeakyLandNews.
CELA: Canadian Environmental Law Association, Legal representatives of the CCCTE.
EA: Environmental Assessment: The process execution of the terms of reference where the proponent tries to confirm the environmental impact of their proposed undertaking.
EBR: Environmental Bill of Rights.
EBR Registry: a repository of EBR Applications: Everything you wanted to know about what is going on in the applications to the MOE and responses to the applications from the MOE.
ECA: Environmental Compliance Approval (Formerly C of A: Certificate of Approval): This is what the proponent(s) will receive if they have been successful in the EA, and
defines the operational procedures they must follow as defined by the MOE.
ECO: Environmental Commissioner of Ontario: An individual separate from the government, but appointed by the government to safeguard / watch / guard over all
things environmental, similar to the Auditor General, but strictly related
to protection of the environment. This commissioner has no legal authority, but a great deal of moral suasion.
EMP: Environmental Monitoring Plan: A component of a landfill closure plan which details monitoring requirements for air, soil, surface water and ground water at and near the site as well as other important measures such as, contingency plans, financial assurances, and contamination Lifespan calculations.
Environmental Protection Act (Ontario)
ERT: Environmental Review Tribunal: A quasi-judicial body appointed by the government to which companies, citizens and communities can appeal environmental decisions. The ERT can change any MOE decision. They the legal authority to force the MOE to take certain actions they deem to better protect the environment.
MBQ: Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte.
MOE: Ministry of the Environment.
SCM: Site Conceptual Model: a model of the site that is supposed to explain the ground and surface water flows in and around the landfill site to be
used as the model for monitoring the impact of the site on the environment.
ToR: Terms of Reference: This defines the basis of undertaking in an Environmental Assessment.
WM: Waste Management Canada Corp; The owners of the Richmond Dump who are responsible for minimising its impact on the surrounding environment. This company is the Canadian arm of a multi-national company Waste Management Inc. based in US.
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