Concerned Citizens Battle Waste Management on Leaky Land

April 23 | Posted by Heather | The Leaky Land Blog

Most of us are happy to put the garbage on the curb and have it magically disappear the next day.

Where does it go?

Who cares?

Once its out of sight, it’s out of mind. Besides, we pay waste management companies big bucks to safely dispose of this stuff.

So no worries, right?


The companies that manage our waste make a healthy profit. In fact, like other businesses, their primary function is to make money for the shareholders. For them, garbage is just a means to an end, and it’s safe disposal is often only a concern to the extent that they are held accountable under the law. Protecting the environment around their landfills can often be less of a priority than hiring the best lawyers and spin-doctors.

This appears to be the case in Napanee Ontario in Canada.

While all the legal obligations have been met so far, the potential for an environmental disaster is significant, and the ability to prove liability after the fact can be difficult. Once a water source is contaminated, it’s too late.

That’s why people who care about the environment and the health of those downstream are fighting an uphill battle to stop this damage before it starts.

That means hiring experts and lawyers to show how the fractured bedrock in the area will not hold back the tonnes of garbage juice gathering at the bottom of the pile. We do not have billions of dollars to spin the truth and fight in court.

What we do have is a group of dedicated but overworked volunteers working on a shoe string budget. Collectively we are the CCCTE (Concerned Citizens Committee of Tyendinaga and Environs) and this is only the beginning. It’s going to be a wild ride, so why not follow Us:

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2 Responses to “Concerned Citizens Battle Waste Management on Leaky Land”

  1. Malcolm Elston says:

    The fact that Waste Management is even asking to expand their facility is horrendous. This company is a soulless, opportunistic group of investors who evidently have no ethics, and no morals. The destruction they have already accomplished over the past half-century (dead wells, polluted groundwater, stench) is considerable, but that damage was done when we (the locals) didn’t know any better, and our government permitted such travesties to occur. Now, we know better, and we need to minimize any future pollution as best we can. The Waste Management proposal is simply obscene, and it must be stopped. Period.

  2. Eva Asselin says:

    This is a shame. Please stop this very bad waste management or it will just get worsed and irreversible!!! If can’t do it for yourself, do it for your children.

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