Residents File Legal Appeal Against Richmond Dump Licence
April 16 | Posted by Heather | NewsToronto – A group of local residents has filed its Notice of Appeal against seven conditions contained in the site licence for the massive Richmond Landfill located near Napanee, Ontario.
In a strongly worded decision, Ontario’s Environmental Review Tribunal recently agreed with the Concerned Citizens Committee of Tyendinaga and Environs (CCCTE) that the conditions appeared to be unreasonable and insufficiently protective of the environment. The Tribunal therefore granted the residents’ group leave (permission) to file an appeal against the conditions issued by the Ministry of the Environment.
“Our overall goal is to ensure robust monitoring and effective contingency plans at the Richmond Landfill, which finally closed in 2011,” said Mike Bossio, Chairperson of the CCCTE. “Filing our appeal is the next major step towards achieving this public interest objective.”
The group’s appeal is requesting the Tribunal to revoke the seven conditions in their entirety, and to replace them with more stringent and comprehensive conditions.
“It is rare for individuals or citizens’ groups to obtain leave to appeal landfill licences in Ontario,” stated Richard Lindgren, an environmental lawyer who represents the CCCTE. “My client looks forward to taking full advantage of this opportunity in order to pursue long-standing concerns about the landfill’s risks to air quality, surface water, and groundwater.”
The Tribunal will hold public hearings to receive evidence and submissions on the issues raised in the group’s appeal. The parties in the hearing will be the CCCTE, the Ministry of the Environment, and the site owner Waste Management of Canada Corporation. However, other interested persons, groups or municipalities may apply to participate in the Tribunal hearing.
Once the hearing has been completed, the Tribunal will render a legally enforceable decision under the Environmental Protection Act in relation to the conditions under appeal. Click here to view a copy of the group’s Notice of Appeal:
For more information, please contact:
Richard Lindgren (CELA) 613-385-1686
Mike Bossio (CCCTE) 613-396-6784
Media Release By: Canadian Environmental Law Association
Tags: air quality, Appeal, CELA, contingency, Dump, Environment, groundwater, insufficient, Landfill, lawyer, leaky, licence, local residents, Mike Bossio, monitor, Napanee, Ontario, protect, Richard Lindgren, Richmond, submissions, surface water, Tribunal, Tyendinaga, Waste Management, CCCTE
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