Leachate from the Richmond Landfill is leaking off-site
October 4 | Posted by Jeff | The Leaky Land Blog
Fears of Concerned Citizens of dangerous chemicals from the Richmond Landfill moving onto nearby properties are confirmed.
An investigation into off-site leachate contamination from the Richmond Landfill has found that the probable carcinogen 1,4 dioxane is present in off-site groundwater and in the domestic wells of neighbouring properties. These test results were obtained as a consequence of an ongoing legal challenge mounted by Concerned Citizens and the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte.
The off-site movement of leachate, suspected for years, was confirmed by hydrogeologists working for the Concerned Citizens, the Mohawks and the Ministry of the Environment.
Despite considerable investigation, Waste Management (WM) has not yet determined the geographic extent of the migration.
WM and the Ministry have agreed that the off-site leachate migration is causing impacts in excess of Reasonable Use Limits, congtrary to the Envrironmnetal Compliance Approval issued for the Richmond Landfill. “In spite of Waste Management’s numerous past claims to the contrary, the off-site leachate leakage has occurred for many years and contaminated residential wells.” Said Wilf Ruland, hydrogeologist for the Concerned Citizens. He went on to say “The company had monitored the site for years, and missed it entirely.”
Tags: Beechwood Road Environmental Centre, BREC, Concerned Citizens, Dump, Environmental Review Tribunal, fractured bedrock, Greater Napanee, groundwater, leachate, Leaking landfill, Napanee, Richmond Landfill, Waste Management, Waste Management Corporation
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