Putting Art to Work – Iris Raffle to STOP the Dump
March 9 | Posted by Jeff | News, The Leaky Land BlogThe Concerned Citizens Committee of Tyendinaga and Environs have been fighting for 15 years to keep our land and water safe. Waste Management wants to build a mountain of garbage on fractured limestone with a stream running through the middle of the property. It makes no sense, but they are determined to go ahead. We are determined too. We will not see our land and water wells ruined by the leachate from this large leaky dump.
We are winning our battle with Waste Management, but winning costs. For this reason we are holding a raffle. All money raised in this raffle will fund our experts, whose brilliant science has clearly demonstrated the unacceptable risk of this foolish proposal. Please help us pay our way in this fight. Put Art in your life, and you will be giving life to our efforts. We are determined to keep the water safe for our children and their children too. Thank you!
Harlan House is a potter who loves playing with fire – he’s been at it for over forty years.
His work is classic…porcelain fired with glazes that last forever because they are inspired by very old traditions.
Harlan’s works of art can be found in museum and art gallery collections throughout the world. He has received numerous awards; among them, The Saidye Bronfman Award for excellence in Canadian craft in 1989 (now part of the Governor General’s Awards in Visual and Media Arts) and the Chalmers Award in 1997. He has lectured extensively about traditions in ceramics and has had over fifty one-man exhibitions of his porcelain. Made by hand, in the oldest of ways, each piece is unique. It is porcelain clay with feldspathic glazes fired beyond 1325 C° in a traditional kiln.
“Harlan House is one of Canada’s doyens of ceramics who has, over the past four decades, established an international career and a reputation for excellence in craftsmanship, marrying both Eastern and Western traditions while building a seminal legacy of form and function.” (Heidi McKenzie,Ceramics Monthly, October 2011;
Harlan’s home and studio are in Lonsdale Ontario.
Harlan’ quote:
“For most of my life I have not known exactly where my brain is. As an artist, a lot of my work is made gut first and maybe head later. I have always trusted this, and I still do.
When our local water wells got the first hint of contamination from a big dump site, I wrote letters and met with local people to see what we could do. That was 15 years ago. It took that long to have the old dump closed. Now, the Waste Management Corporation want to open an even bigger dump right next to the old leaky dump, on the same fractured limestone…makes sense to them, but not to me.
When one of our local citizens asked how we could pay for well testing, my gut went into overtime. I had kept some very good, and, for me, very important pieces for a long time.
It occurred to me…If we could get some good art into some good homes, we could get some cheques written for good science, all going to the protection of our water on the earth, and under it.
So, I have given a new Iris wall lamp, and four much older Iris pieces for this cause. If you would like to see the pieces, go to www.harlanhouse.com/stopthedumpraffle If you would like to support us in our fight for clean water, I would love you to do that. You have my thanks. 1 in 600 are your odds if we sell out. ”
To purchase tickets for the raffle, please send an email to:
Tags: Draw, Harlan House, Iris Raffle, Landfill Draw, Leaking landfill, Napanee, Napanee Landfill, Stop The Dump Raffle, Waste Management
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