May 2 | Posted by Jeff | The Leaky Land BlogThe Concerned Citizens, supporters and friends gathered to celebrate their many successful milestones at the Waterfall Tearoom in Yarker. The theme was water. They were joined by their friends from the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte who conducted a very moving Water Ceremony. It was a special evening of thanks, warm friendship, and renewed commitment. Recent successes include the formal acceptance of all of our key recommendations by the Environmental Review Tribunal and the unanimous support from Napanee Council to request Waste Management to with draw their application for the BREC landfill. The possibility of a mega-dump being located on this fragile land still exists. The Concerned Citizens group remains committed to continue the fight. View photos of the celebration at: https://www.facebook.com/CCCTE123/
Tags: Concerned Citizens, Environment, Environmental Review Tribunal, ERT, Greater Napanee, Leaking landfill, Mike Bossio, Richmond Landfill, Waste Management Corporation, Town of Greater Napanee
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