Comments – May 2012
June 4 | Posted by Heather | Letters & CommentsThe following are a sample of the comments people have made on this site or on our petition during the month of May, 2012:
May 28; Marla in Kingston Ontario:
I care about our environment – especially our water resources!
May 28; Melanie in Marysville Ontario:
I live in the area and can’t believe they would locate a landfill site on Fractured bedrock. I have 80 acres and I see the rocks moving every year. Cracks open all the time. If it’s happening on my land it’s happening at the site of the dump. How would they ever control a leak? I believe they can’t!
May 26; M.L. in Roblin Ontario:
If the BREC dump is allowed to go through this could spell environmental disaster for the watertable supplying farms and homes in the area. The top layer is a thin pool of fresh groundwater overlying deeper highly saline water, saltier than seawater. By covering this area with a dump, there may not be enough rainwater getting into the ground to recharge the fresh water level. As well, in case of a failure in the system in place on the closed Richmond landfill,WM has a contingency plan to use a blast trench which would bring saline water to the upper levels contaminating the potable water level. WM is proposing to build this new megadump in an area of land that is near the headwaters area of Marysville Creek which supports a year round fish habitat and flows into the Bay of Quinte.
May 23; Noelle:
Good information here. I am running a day camp “Earth Camp” and plan to visit this site with the kids. Our generation is one of excess and waste. We buy what we do not need, are gifted what we do not want, and dispose of it all within the season. The three are great but if we all remember one R it should be Reduce.
May 23; Malcolm:
The fact that Waste Management is even asking to expand their facility is horrendous. This company is a soulless, opportunistic group of investors who evidently have no ethics, and no morals. The destruction they have already accomplished over the past half-century (dead wells, polluted groundwater, stench) is considerable, but that damage was done when we (the locals) didn’t know any better, and our government permitted such travesties to occur. Now, we know better, and we need to minimize any future pollution as best we can. The Waste Management proposal is simply obscene, and it must be stopped. Period.
May 22; John in Centreville Ontario:
We need a provincial/national waste management policy that would make manufacturers responsible for their packaging,that would make composting mandatory,etc. Rural communities must not be the dumping grounds for urban waste.
May 21; Ian in Napanee Ontario:
The situation has been studied – to death – for over 10 years and the answer is always the same. This is not a safe location to locate a megadump!
May 21; Kylie in Cowansville Quebec:
I believe it is a bad environmental choice to expand a dump on land which has already been shown to be susceptible to groundwater contamination. I don’t see why a case already won has to be fought again by citizens.
May 20; Marilyn in Marysville Ontario:
Responsible location of landfills is equally important as responsible handling of waste.
May 20; Mike in Kingston Ontario:
I believe this proposal is very UNSAFE for the surrounding community. I do not trust Waste Management’s ability to maintain the site safely for the next 100 years.
Tags: citizen's comments, outrage
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