EBR Application July 2013

July 12 | Posted by Jeff | Document Library

Canadian Environmental Law Association


This document details the formal application under the Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) by the Concerned Citizens, the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte and Canadian Environmental Law Association to the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario to change the provincial legislation governing the siting of landfills.

The proposed amendments would prohibit the establishment or expansion of waste disposal sites on inherently unsuitable  fractured bedrock locations. The application also proposes to prohibit repeated applications for approval of waste disposal sites at or adjacent to locations which have previously been denied for environmental reasons.


EBR Application July 2013

One Response to “EBR Application July 2013”

  1. It is time to increase restrictions on landfills and make them more difficult to locate. Deepening environmental concern will add pressure to find solutions to our disposable lifestyle.

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