Comments – June 1st to 7th, 2012
June 11 | Posted by Heather | Letters & CommentsThe following are a sample of the comments people have made on this site or on our petition during the week of June 1st to 7th, 2012.
June 7; Barbara in Napanee Ontario:
As a young student in this town I would rather see our community prosper than suffer from even more inadequate water supply to homes in the area.
June 5; Margaret in Shannonville Ontario:
I have lived in the area near the Napanee Dump all of my life and I do not want to see the Wells comtaminated by this nor the smell to make the neighbourhood a unpleasant place to live or visit. STOP THE DUMP!!
June 4; Stuart in Shoreham-by-Sea in the United Kingdom
I have been lucky enough to visited this area Ontario a number of times and I’m gutted to hear about this proposal. Short sighted in an area of great natural beauty.
June 4; George:
I don’t believe Waste Managment should have the dump expanded or any other type dump site in our municipalty what so ever.
June 4; Martin in Napanee Ontario:
This community believed that the Richmond Landfill was not to be expanded. Now we’re having to fight it again? Why are we going through the same process again? Tell WM, “NO!”
June 4; Gerry in Belleville Ontario:
The hazardous liquids and material being dumped into the landfill site are effecting local air quality and leaching into our water systems. We have no idea the amount of underground damage that has been caused already or what the long term effects will be.
June 4; Hannah in Toronto Ontario:
Creative recycling solutions are prefurable to toxic waste build up.
June 3; Harry:
Doctors have said it is danrerous geoligistst s,government people have said the same.This dump is unsafe for this area as has been proven.Leave the people of this area of Ontario alone STOP it now..Harry
June 3; Douglas in Napanee Ontario:
This site has been assessed and found most unsuitable for a dump. Why, in these days of government restraint and cutbacks, are we reopening this issue? Surely, the MOE has more important work to do than wasting scare resources on reexamining a site that was deemed unacceptable.
June 2; Barclay in Chicago Illinois in the US:
The dump is improperly built and poorly managed and is a danger to the future generations of people that are going to live on our continent.
June 1; Tom in Napanee Ontario:
it is a very very poor site for a dump. we need a better solution to the garbage problem.
Tags: citizen's comments, outrage
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